Die 1911 eröffnete Strecke ist 3,1 km lang und hat 8 Stationen. Zum Einsatz auf dieser Linie kommen Garnituren der Type MF88. Bei den MF88 handelt es sich um eine Kleinserie von neun dreiteiligen, durchgängigen Garnituren, die keine Drehgestelle sondern Einzelachsfahrwerke haben. Da sich das System als solches nicht nachhaltig bewährte kam es zu keiner Nachbeschaffung.
This feederline is from 1911 and is 3.1 km long and has some 8 stations. Trainsets are of type MF88. MF88 serie is a small batch of nine three-car walk-through trainsets, which have no boogies, but single axle running gears. Due to technical challenges no further trains were ordered.
This feederline is from 1911 and is 3.1 km long and has some 8 stations. Trainsets are of type MF88. MF88 serie is a small batch of nine three-car walk-through trainsets, which have no boogies, but single axle running gears. Due to technical challenges no further trains were ordered.