23 Bilder

Mit diesen achtachsigen Niederflurfahrzeugen startete die Serienlieferung der Flexity in Berlin.
With these eight axle low floor trams started the production delivery of the Flexity Berlin.
With these eight axle low floor trams started the production delivery of the Flexity Berlin.
27 Bilder

Bei den Straßenbahnen dieses Typs handelt es sich um lange Zweirichtungsfahrzeuge.
The trams of this type are long bidirectional trams.
The trams of this type are long bidirectional trams.
14 Bilder

Die erste Serie von Niederflurstraßenbahnen in Berlin.
The first series of low floor trams in Berlin.
The first series of low floor trams in Berlin.
49 Bilder

Mit der dritten Serie an GT6N kamen die Zweirichtungsfahrzeuge.
With the third serie of GT6N came the bidirectional trams.
With the third serie of GT6N came the bidirectional trams.
21 Bilder

historische Straßenbahnen - historical trams
In wunderbarem Zustand zeigen sich die alten Fahrzeuge.
In great condition are these old vehicles.
In great condition are these old vehicles.
16 Bilder

2015 waren sie noch immer in großer Zahl im Einsatz: die klassischen Hochflurfahrzeuge der Type KT4D. Am 7. Mai 2021 fuhren sie ihre letzten Runden in Berlin.
There were a lot of these classical high-floor trams in service in 2015. Their service ended on May 7, 2021.
There were a lot of these classical high-floor trams in service in 2015. Their service ended on May 7, 2021.
42 Bilder

Diese Straßenbahnen sind seit Juli 2014 in Berlin nicht mehr im Einsatz.
These trams were withdrawn from service in July 2014.
These trams were withdrawn from service in July 2014.
8 Bilder
These trams are the short bidirectional serie of the Flexity's in Berlin.