ex Halle GT4
Halle/Saale erhielt 1990 30 GT4 aus Stuttgart und 9 aus Freiburg (die urspr. auch aus Stutgart stammten), hatte diese bis 2003 in Betrieb und gab 27 davon 2003 an Iași ab.
The city of Halle (Saale) received in 1990 30 type GT4 trams from Stuttgart and 9 (former Stuttgart) trams from Freiburg. They were in service till 2003. In that year 27 of them were delivered to Iași.
ex Halle GT4
The city of Halle (Saale) received in 1990 30 type GT4 trams from Stuttgart and 9 (former Stuttgart) trams from Freiburg. They were in service till 2003. In that year 27 of them were delivered to Iași.